Follow your nose to the Te Uku Hall on a Monday at 6pm for Line Dancing lessons, then stay on for West Coast Swing at 7pm.
It was a bit of a decision. Just the West Coast Swing lessons? Or both?
At the Raglan Club on a Thursday from 5.30 to 6pm Line Dancing lessons are free, so why the heck would I bother with paid ones? Well, I’ll tell you why. Peer pressure – yes I succumbed. Quite a few of the Foxy Squirrels/Praire Dogs (Raglan Line Dancers) joined. They are such an amazing bunch to hang out with, so it just seemed right to add another night. Turns out that these lessons are next level. The Club is fun, you learn a dance or two, and there’s the added bonus of the talented JamesRay country singer performing from 6 to 9pm to practice learnt dances to. But the Te Uku Hall is where it’s at for full immersion. Most of the line dances taught are ‘beginner’, and it’s lovely to see lots of enthusiastic newcomers. Dancing is so beneficial for mind, body and soul!
Louisa Alix is a brilliant teacher, she instructs with flair, wit, and clarity. Before you know it, you’re doing the steps and are off! Thank goodness, as I’d never done West Coast Swing before, or much like it. Week three and am sure we all feel ready for Dancing with the Stars! Well, nearly!
To join us on this weekly feast of fun dancing contact Louisa: or Phone: 021 0303 780