Whāingaroa Youth Collective Rangatahi page

October 4, 2023

For this edition the Whāingaroa Youthworker Collective wanted to shine the light on a young musician who is working hard on an album that he hopes to release in the near future. Cuba Godward is a 16 year old DJ and musician who shares his story and the opportunities he has had in our community. He also gives some great advice!

Tell us about your project you are working on? 

I’m actually working towards an album at the moment. I’m kind of staying at home and distancing myself at the moment and trying to work on  an album. I don’t have a name for the album as of yet and am still workshopping names. Its a real mix of genres hip hop, punk, pop etc

I will be releasing the album on Spotify, apple music any listening platform you can think of.

Whats some of your songs about?

Just life, growing up, heart break and some cliche stuff in there too. Just taking what’s going on in my life and putting it into lyrics, writing stuff down helps to work through problems you are having.

Whats your favorite line from one of your songs? 

First song on the album is called my time

“Its my time to shine, to write my lines, to get a little famous make a few dimes”

Can you tell us about some of the support you have received? 

My dad! I have had heaps of opportunities in the community to do a whole bunch of stuff like DJ workshops with Ayesha, Jinja Cat and the Soundsystem Project (Brian and Naiomi)  which is still being used in the community today.

Tell us about your DJing?

Well sometimes on a Friday we have a youth area organized by the WYC where we all hang out and kind of connect with each other and play a few tunes. I play the music thats popping in the scene.

What advice would you give to young people?

I think the most important thing about being young is taking all the opportunities you can get I know that if I didn’t have  the opportunities I have been given I wouldn’t be here where I am today right now. Its all experience

What advice would you give to parents when their children are going through challenges ?

I think that probably you just have to trust your kids, trust they will make the right decisions. I know I have made a few not very great decisions in my youth but I have  always learned from them and not having someone step in the way has allowed me to learn from my mistakes.

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