Local writer’s novel set for tv adaptation

September 28, 2023

A show based on local author Merren Tait’s firt novel, Year of the Fox has been given the green light for prodction and the Raglan Chronicle caught up with Merren to hear about update.

Merren tell us about your exciting news.

Late last week NZ On Air announced funding for upcoming television projects and included was $2.5mil to go towards the production of Year of the Fox, a show based on my first novel. So, yes – super, crazy exciting.

How did the TV show come about?

Luck. A school friend of mine, Becs Arahanga, who happens to be a director and production company owner, bought my first novel to support me and couldn’t put it down or stop laughing when she read it. She rang me the same day to offer me the television option. Since then it’s been a slow but steady five or so years to get to this point. 

How involved are you?

I have very little to do with the show and its development. It’s been completely Becs’ baby and the story will look a little different. It’s shifted to an ao Māori setting. The main character will be Māori and the neighbourly land dispute in the novel becomes a tribal one. The story does keep the quirks of the novel and Becs describes the show as “Fleabag meets Jojo Rabbit”, which, frankly, sounds truly awesome. I’ve been lucky enough to read the script for the first episode and it couldn’t get off to a better start. I have no doubt the show is in excellent hands.

What’s your reaction to NZ On Air’s announcement?

I’m absolutely ecstatic. Every author dreams of having their work adapted for the screen and very few get to have the honour. I feel extraordinarily privileged and lucky, but also very proud of my work.

When will we be able to watch it on our screens?

I’m not sure. There are a few more hurdles to get through first before the final green light is given on the project and a production schedule is then set. However, whenever it’s ready for broadcast, the good news is that it will be free to air on Three and Threenow, which is fantastic. Everyone will be able to view it without the need for a potentially prohibitive subscription.

You also have a new novel out, so please tell us about this. 

My fifth novel is called Real Life and Other Disasters and is about two people who dislike each other in real life, but unwittingly fall for each other in a gaming chatroom. It’s a bit of a departure from my previous novels in that it’s set in London instead of New Zealand, but it’s just as funny and sets a cracking pace. I had a ball writing it.

Where can people find your books?

My books are available in Made, Zinnia, iHub, via my website www.merrentait.com, and through all good online bookstores.

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