In Memory of Mr. Moustaschio

August 31, 2023

He made his debut in 2011 as a neutered boy, 2 to 3 years old.

He was surrendered by a client for euthanasia after he had turned up at her house, kept beating up her cats, spraying inside, and being a nuisance; nobody ever claimed him.

The team at the time decided to give him a second chance at life and make him their clinic cat; this is when he became Mr Moustachio. 

In 2013 he went missing; Donna searched everywhere for him and found him under the house next to the clinic (now known as Robert Currie’s Pink Palace). Donna removed a board from the side of the house and crawled under to get him; he scratched and bit her. Once out the team discovered he had suffered a fractured pelvis. He had eight weeks cage rest to mend and stabilise his pelvis and avoid surgery. He hated Donna for months afterwards.

Starchie was a character; he would sit behind the dog biscuits on the shelves and ambush dogs, and spray cats and their cat cages. 

He would also roam the surrounds including the Community House where he would join their lunch meetings. 

He was a vital member of the team; there as moral support for his team and the community in times of great stress and sorrow; his cuddles and smooches held such great healing properties.

In his later years he stayed closer, mainly on the front desk, dribbling over the computers and clients but he would still visit his dear friend Robert Currie, visit the church, and stress us out by running in front of cars to his beloved roundabout.

Rest easy sweet boy, forever in our hearts!

Donna: He would meet whoever was first to work in the morning and demand his breakfast after he had sneaked out the night before. You couldn’t leave your handbag or anything like that from home lying around or he’d smell your cats on it and spray all over it. I lost a good expensive leather handbag and a 70s cane bag which I really loved – notched those ones up to him the old bugger.

Shane: He’s going to leave a big hole. I always especially appreciated him being there when I was checking on hospitalised patients during the night. Sometimes if patients weren’t doing well those nocturnal visits could be very difficult, and Starchie was always a source of comfort; although I’m not sure how many dog owners I’ve had to apologize to over the years after Starchie attacked their pets in the waiting room! He never had an issue with Tua or Meg though, which was a relief. 

Shannon: Mr Moustachios, it has been eerie the past few weeks without you. You have worked by my side for the past 6 years; things just won’t be the same without you! I’ll miss you meeting me at my car in the mornings, dribbling on my paperwork while hassling me for pats while I’m trying to work.

You have seen many of us come and go but I’m sure you touched all our hearts. 

Rest easy old boy, you lived a full happy life and I’m so happy I got to be a small part of it. 

Atraides: Starchie my lunch buddy. Even though my lunch wasn’t exactly good for you, and everyone would find your vomit of my lunch the next day, I would still give you a piece of my lunch every day. You crossed the rainbow with a full belly of smoked chicken. Lunch time will be lonely without you but I’m glad you’re eating whatever your stomach desires.

Debs: Bless you Starchie, you are so sadly missed, and my days at work, especially the start will never sadly be the same again; love & miss you.

Hannah: Starchie, the clinic cat with a dashing moustache, always made my day brighter with his sweet morning greetings. I’ll never forget how he strolled across my keyboard, demanding attention, or his odd morning surprise. He brought so much joy to a workday. Rest easy, Starchie. You will be forever missed. 

Sarah: Mr Mustachio was always there to greet people and loved a pat on days he decided he wanted one. I will miss his little meow in the mornings and hope he has his own little roundabout in heaven.

Taryn: I forever have a scar on my face because of you, you little bugger – you don’t know how much I treasure that scar now. Love you boy.

Sam: We will miss you Starchie. I didn’t know you long but loved walking in every morning I’m in Raglan to your affectionate meow.

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