Youth Week Amazing Race Event

June 2, 2023

Over 40 kids in eight teams entered The Amazing Race as part of the Youth Week Event on Sunday, May 21. A range of challenges around the Raglan township saw the quickest team take 39 minutes to complete the circuit.  

Back at the Town Hall for table tennis, learning tricks with Irene and Damien from Circus Aotearoa, food and prize giving. With lots of great feedback it’s likely the Youthworker Collective will look at hosting another Amazing Race later in the year. Big thanks to Jess Hill and Amy Hanna for putting the Amazing Race together.  

It is awesome seeing our young people/rangatahi taking up challenges, making new connections and building their sense of belonging in our community.

A big thank you to the Raglan Community House for funding this event and to the Whāingaroa Youthworker Collective for organising and running it.  

Many thanks to businesses who donated generous prizes and food!

Aloha Sushi, Zinnia, Raglan Pharmacy, Jet Collective, SWOP, Raglan Surf Emporium, The Monster Company, Everyone’s Store, Floral and Finds, The Yard, Soundsplash, and Raglan Four Square.

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