Take part in the Amazing Race in Raglan this Youth Week

May 15, 2023

Youth Week 2023 is just around the corner and the Whāingaroa Youthworker Collective will be running a local event at the Town Hall with food, music, fun activities, youth-oriented discussions and there’ll also be an Amazing Race-style competition with great prizes up for grabs!

The Amazing Race Raglan will involve groups of youth going around Raglan’s CBD to complete tasks in a race against the clock for the top prize. 

The race will be a set of challenges (riddles, puzzles and physical) to be completed around the Raglan township. Teams are to be a minimum of 3 people and maximum of 5.  Someone in each team will need a device for taking photos. 

Organised by Jessica Hill from Dreamview Farms, along with a number of other youthworkers from the collective, the race provides an opportunity for rangatahi to have fun and feel confident in the community. 

The event will also have other fun activities, food, music and a forum to discuss youth issues.

Youth Week is a nationwide festival of events organised by young New Zealanders to celebrate the talents, passion and success of local young people.“We want Aotearoa to be a country where young people are vibrant and optimistic and are supported and encouraged to take up challenges,” said Youth Week organisers.

The Whāingaroa Youth Week event is part of a series of programmes aimed at amplifying valuable contributions from rangatahi in Raglan and the collective hope to organise more youth events moving forward.

This year’s nationwide Youth Week theme is “Rangatira mō āpōpō? Rangatira i tēnei rā! Leaders of tomorrow? Leaders for today!” and the Youthworker Collective are keen to inspire local youth to, “take on challenges, share ideas and focus on the positive aspects of being young.”

The Whāingaroa Youth Worker Collective meet regularly to discuss opportunities to support  local youth and celebrate their successes. If you would like to know more, contact Raglan Naturally on info@raglannaturally.co.nz.

Whāingaroa Youth Week event @ Town Hall, Sunday, May 21, 2023, 1pm – 6.30pm, free event for youth aged 12-24. Join us for a day of music, food, fun activities, prizes, youth-oriented discussions & an amazing race-style competition around Raglan. Register for the Amazing Race at this link: https://airtable.com/shrEEmxPPquwB3ThA. 

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