Candidate Interviews: Pamela Storey – Councillor – Waikato Regional Council

September 16, 2022

I’m seeking your support for re-election as regional councillor because I am committed to community connection and community-led change.

As Chair of WRC’s Strategy & Policy committee, I have driven policy direction which encourages sustainable & resilient economic development, connected communities, prioritisation of catchment-based restoration, and protection of our unique biodiversity.

 Decision-making must be informed by local input. Attending community board meetings and community events in Whāingaroa has allowed me to reflect local priorities and aspirations at the Council table. I have connected with our diverse constituency to provide a strong and professional voice for the Waikato.

Significant change is proposed across our communities. Having delivered over 65 submissions on central government proposals this triennium, I have made sure our Waikato perspectives are heard in Wellington.

 As a proud food producer and dairy farmer, as well as former director of Wintec, DWN, and Primary ITO, I am a business owner and a long-standing community environmental leader, chairing Go Eco for 10 years and bringing Kaivolution to our communities.

 We are faced with increasing challenges regarding rates affordability and our need to adapt to a changing climate, while meeting the needs of our growing communities and protecting our land’s productive capability.

 Significant decisions are made around the regional council table that have a direct impact on all of us. It is important that voters take the time to research candidates to ensure that candidate’s actions reflect constituents’ values and perspectives.

A connected, effective, informed voice is needed for strong advocacy.

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