Soccer update

May 27, 2022

Football Season 2022 is well under way in Raglan and everyone at RFC would like to give a HUGE thanks to those that have helped make this happen. With mandates and isolations, the committee and other key RFC members have practiced new degrees of flexibility to make soccer happen for everyone this year.

A good stroke of luck was the mandates crumbling, which meant we could all join the same platform. A second stroke of luck was new committee members, such as Annette, joining us and helping as Treasurer. Mums and dads have stepped up for coaching and managing roles, and long-standing committee members have continued to support the club even though they were supposed to be taking time out! Talk about team spirit!

A warm embrace to new players of all ages, welcome to the club. Also, a quick note that 7th graders-up play home & away, 9th graders introduce goalies, and when players leave the club they can join the ‘School-Team’. 

Thanks to all those that continue to help with the shirts, the results, the registration process, and all those who keep an eye on the kit and the container ensuring everything is tidy and locked up. Every time I have popped my head in so far this season it’s looked great in there – thanks everyone. 

Looking forward to sharing stories from players, coaches, managers, committee and stealing all of Amy Hanna’s amazing photos to share with you all. This week pictured is new First Kicks coach Jamie sharing joy during a match amongst 4/5year olds who are just starting to understand how the game works. True magic. 

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