Community Board Update

May 13, 2022

Our Community Board meeting was held on Wednesday 4th May via Zoom.

During the public forum several issues were raised including:

Safety for cyclists in town (particularly on Wainui Road), vehicle stops in front of the Super Value shop and the effectiveness of the security cameras in town and who maintains these.

Each of these will be picked up by the community board and discussed further with WDC and relevant parties.

Discussions around the management of storm, waste and drinking water through the Three Water’s Reform programme was discussed with Alison Diaz giving an update on Three Waters Reform. Government has taken on board feedback from the Three Water’s Working Group and last week accepted 44 of the 47 recommendations for changes to its water infrastructure reform programme, including recommendations for ownership and privatisation. At this stage it is expected that Councils will retain a share in the new entities and there will be a small subcommittee to feed local governance groups.

It will be 2024 before the four new entities become live so it will cross an election. In the meantime WRC will continue to regulate on storm water and waste water.

Mathew Telfer and Stephen Howard provided an update on how the Raglan Waste Water proposal is developing.

Matters from the works and Issue report that were discussed were:

Manu Bay Breakwater Wall 

Meeting has been set up by Tim Clarke for late May to discuss the ongoing issues.

Currently the breakwater wall is causing safety issues for those that use the boat ramp at Manu Bay.

Wi Neera Walkway seawall

Tonkin and Taylors Condition assessment of the wall from the Bow street Jetty to the old Coast Guard Building was tabled. This sea wall is failing in certain areas and options for its upgrade are being investigated including retention on the land side, widening of the wall, lighting and needs for safety rail with consideration for any sea level rise.

Raglan wharf structural repairs, pontoon and walkway

This project is proceeding and tenders were due in from three tenderers in the first week of May. It is still expected that structural repairs will start in July and subject to consenting walkway and pontoon will follow immediately after.

The Community Board Chairperson advised she had meet with the Rangitahi developers to view a potential location for a new indoor community swimming facility on the peninsula. 

A group of locals, that include a pool building and management expert, are getting the project going and will be looking at forming a trust if the project gets the go-ahead. Proposals are expected to be presented to the board once designs and concepts are ready.

Intra-Raglan Bus Service 

No money was included in the long term plan for a local bus service but Council staff have written a report and are asking the infrastructure committee at their next meeting for the cash. Hopefully this will be discussed at the next Council Infrastructure meeting.

Matariki Celebrations 

The community is gearing up to celebrate Matariki in June this year with the official public holiday set for Friday 24 June. There will be a number of community events happening in Raglan to celebrate Matariki, including a possible community celebration on Bow St on the 26th.

The next Community Board meeting is on the 15th of June at 1:30pm.  All contact info for Board Members on our website  

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