A Message From the Raglan Police

May 27, 2022

Over the last two weeks in the Raglan area there have been one family harm incident, one burglary, seven other dishonesty crimes, two wilful damage and five alcohol offences. 

Please note any breaches of liquor ban are likely to result in an infringement notice. If you are unfamiliar with the Raglan town liquor ban area, please look at the designated signs or check the Waikato District Council web page.

 This week we reminded local businesses, that could potentially become a target for Ram Raids, to take a look at their security measures. We have recently had stolen vehicles dumped in our town and unlawful takings of vehicles from Raglan. A lot of smaller towns are getting targeted for Ram Raids.

 There have been some local youths, causing wilful damage to property, at night-time. Matters have been dealt with by Police. We thank the parents for being responsible in holding their young ones accountable for their actions. We urge residents to report any damage or illegal activities in their neighbourhood. For Neighbourhood Support please contact Co-ordinator Kathleen Gilbert on kathyg@xtra.co.nz

The recent weather has been challenging, with the high winds and torrential rain. Please remember to drive to conditions and belt up! Police have zero tolerance for drivers not wearing seatbelts (and passengers), distraction, speed and drink drivers.

 On top of that, we hope you have a good week ahead.

From Linda, Raewyn and Andrew at Raglan Police.

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