Wharf Project and Harbour Study Update

February 24, 2022

Plans to transform the Whāingaroa (Raglan) wharf with new walkways, a pontoon, tidal stairs and give it a new look and feel are set to go ahead following feedback from residents.

More than 100 community members shared their thoughts on two possible design options for the western walkway and on what was important to them for the future of the harbour during a month-long consultation last year. 


We’ve completed investigations, including consultation with key stake holders,  under water mapping, and arborist and geotechnical surveys, and have confirmed the layout of the pontoon. We are now wrapping up final details before we move to the next stage of this project.

In the coming months, we’ll look for a contractor to construct the pontoon and finalise its design. We’ll have more details on how the pontoon will look and what else may be included in the project once this stage is complete.

Construction is expected to start in mid-2022.


As part of this project, we are planning to create a western and eastern walkway at the wharf. The western walkway will feature tidal steps and terraces to improve access to water in two locations and will connect the existing walkway at the end of Wallis Street to the wharf. The smaller eastern walkway will connect the wharf to the proposed location for the new pontoon. 

We’ll also carry out other amenity and safety improvements such as a new balustrade around sections of the wharf, improved lighting, tree planting, seating and storytelling features such as signage and integrated artwork.

In 2021, we asked for your feedback on two options for the western walkway. We received more than 100 responses from the community with the majority favouring option one.

This option features tidal stairs that are located closer to the wharf which will provide longer access to the water at all tides.

We are now working to finalise this design and will continue to keep you updated as we progress. Construction is expected to start in mid-2022.

Harbour study

Last year, we asked you to tell us what was important to you for the future of the harbour. During this time, we received feedback from more than 100 residents, stakeholders and hapū representatives. Some of the key themes include:

Improving and protecting the health and wellbeing of the harbour

The harbour should be a space for recreational activities such as swimming, kayaking, jet skiing, boating and fishing

Development should reflect the natural environment and be in line with the current look and feel of the wharf.

Taking into consideration the feedback we have received, we are now working on a draft of the strategy and hope to have it ready to share with you in late March 2022.

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