Raglan Osteopathic Clinic

February 17, 2022

The Local Rag caught up with the team at Raglan Osteopathy to hear about their services and new team members that have come on board in 2022.

Tell us about the history of the Raglan Osteopathic Clinic?

We have been an integrated part of the Raglan healthcare landscape since 1998. Initially, we started where George’s Beach Club currently sits, then over to the old West Coast Health Centre, then into Bankart Street where we are now. Raglan has changed almost beyond recognition in the past 24 years, and we have loved growing with it, meeting new residents and being part of such a beautiful community.

Who is part of the team? 

Marcia Mitchley who has been with the clinic for almost fifteen years. 

Luisa Bister who joined this clinic in 2021. She graduated from one of the world’s premier osteopathic colleges, the European School of Osteopathy (ESO) in the UK. Luisa has recently moved to Raglan.

We work alongside our sister clinic in Hamilton.

What does Luisa bring to the group and what is her background? 

With her previous experience and work in yoga, mindfulness and holistic massage, combined with osteopathy, Luisa offers a broad range of skills that she tailors to the individual needs of her patients. 

Luisa, originally from Germany, studied in the UK and has travelled the world, adding to her understanding and empathy for people.

In her free time, she enjoys being outdoors, mostly surfing, skating, hula hooping and discovering new places.

What do you offer the Raglan community and visitors in terms of treatments?

We offer a kind ear, a knowledgeable opinion, honesty, gentle but specific techniques and referrals where appropriate. We want people to feel looked after and will assist them on their journey to recovery and health. 

We are lucky that we are able to treat a vast array of conditions, for example acute injuries from accidents (which we can directly lodge with ACC) to other aches and pains from older injuries or chronic conditions.  

What are the common reasons someone visits an osteopath and what would be some of the more unexpected ones? 

Common presentations include joint pain (spinal, arms and legs), muscle sprains, nerve irritations, headaches and jaw dysfunctions.

Less predictably, we also help with women’s health, baby’s and infant’s health, stress related conditions and general wellbeing.

We also work alongside medical treatments to help bolster the function and health of the body.

There are many who visit osteopaths on a regular basis but how would you describe the practice to those more unfamiliar with the concept?

Osteopaths practise the following principles and apply these to the assessment and treatment of each individual: 

• Structure and function are integrally related. Restrictions in the body cause dysfunction and disease. 

• If there is a good supply of oxygenated blood to an organ or tissue and free drainage from it, it will be healthy. 

• The body has its own medicine cabinet and an in-depth knowledge of this allows a practitioner to promote health to counter disease. 

• The body is a unit.

Basically, a free and unrestricted body is the foundation of health. 

What should you expect when visiting an osteopath? 

You should expect to be safe and respected. 

We will have a discussion about the presenting complaint, your medical history and past injuries to establish a full story as to how and why you arrived here today. 

An assessment of the whole person is undertaken, which may include posture, active movement and the osteopath moving joints and tissues to form an appropriate treatment plan.

Our treatment is a gentle, hands-on approach which may include techniques such as articulation of joints, soft tissue work and other manoeuvres relevant to you and your presenting condition. 

Then some exercise and/or stretch prescription may be suggested to support recovery. We never try and take over your life with stretches or exercises. We have a great app we use to keep you on track and performing perfectly.

When is the clinic open and how can people reach you?

We’re available at 10 Bankart Street on Thursdays and Fridays for appointments.

You can check out our website www.osteopathy.net.nz. There you will find online booking available and lots more information.

Or you can phone 07 825 8418 to speak to our wonderful receptionists.

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