A message from the Raglan Chamber

December 15, 2021

After many months it finally feels like life could be resembling some sort of normality. The traffic light system is now in place and businesses have the option of unencumbered trading if they choose to enforce the vaccine passport regime. 

It is extremely difficult for those Raglan businesses to have made the decision to exclude people (including regular customers or even family). Please remember this is solely for the purpose of trying to keep their business alive and get it back on track. To reiterate our comments from the last article, we ask that everyone continues to be patient with our local businesses while they navigate through these sensitive and trying times. 

On the brighter side, business is picking up. Of course, there are those that are still struggling more than others, but you only have to go down the main street on the weekend to feel a sense or normality with the early arrival of the warmer weather bringing back the visitors. Local businesses are also preparing for the influx of our northern neighbours who will be allowed to cross over into our region within the coming weeks. We appreciate there is a sense of nervousness when our Auckland visitors start streaming in over the New Year period, however, please remember many businesses heavily rely on outer-region visitors; not just retail and hospitality, but the likes of accommodation providers, tourism attractions and event companies. The Chamber asks that we trust the system (albeit a challenging one) as a community and be kind to one another including any visitors that come to our town, as many livelihoods depend on it. 

To keep the momentum, we have two events this week.  This Thursday the 9th we are holding a crucial security breakfast event at Orca at 7.30am, which is open to the community. We will have a Risk Manager who will put on a presentation, together with our local police, discussing options to help protect us over the upcoming summer period. 

To celebrate the beginning of summer and bringing life back into our streets, the Chamber has arranged the “Raglan Fiesta” which is an initiative where shops in the CBD will stay open until 7pm this Friday the 10th. Let your friends and family know to come along and get your pre-Christmas shopping done all while supporting your local businesses, and indulging in divine, local cuisine. 

A reminder the traffic light rules apply to these events.

Enjoy and stay safe.

Morgan Morris


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