Raglan Community Board June Update

July 15, 2021

Our June Community Board meeting was held on Wednesday 23rd June. Thanks to members of the community that came along to express their views, in the public forum. We always appreciate when members of our community give us feedback on topics/issues.  We heard from the community about Manu Bay breakwater, the new footpath at Papahua and local bus service. 

Raglan Wastewater Consent Application

The WDC and Watercare team presented the Board with an update on the wastewater consent application and showed us their proposed presentation to the community, due the following week.  The Board gave feedback on the presentation.   

Representation Review

The WDC’s Democracy Team Leader went through the current Representation Review and was seeking feedback on the initial proposal, specifically in relation to the Raglan Community Board – our communities of interest, the boundaries, number of elected members, number of Councillors, community board or committee and name.  The Board decided to check in with our communities before feedback to WDC.  Public consultation will be open in July for the submissions. 

Manu Bay Breakwater

Council staff spoke to a recent independent report received. Board members requested a meeting asap with the relevant manager to discuss and understand clearly the next steps.  Report will be added to WDC/RCB websites.  

Civil Defence Plan Update

Councillor Thomson is working with Council staff to update the Raglan Civil Defence Plan and bring it to the Board for finalising.  

Raglan Airfield

WDC have appointed a consultant, Mark Haines to undertake a thorough and independent review of the airfield to assess safety, community concerns and Council’s obligation as manager.  Timing for this is around 4 weeks. The red lines will be remarked to outline the operational/runway zone.  The proposed fencing is on hold until the independent review is completed; this will inform any further discussions/decisions moving forward.  This review will be available on the RCB website when it is completed.  The brief to consultant and the consultant’s proposal will be available to view on the RCB website. 

Works and Issues Report

The Works and Issues Report also covered Gilmour Street upgrade update, and Papahua Walkway Stages 1 and 2.  The next Quarterly Update on Roading, Footpaths, Walkways and Cycleways is due at the August meeting. 

Papahua Walkway – Stage 2

Stage 1 is nearing completion.  Discussion around Stage 2 design and route.  The Board requested an onsite meeting with Council staff to discuss further before design is finalised. Stakeholders (including Soccer Club) to be contacted and involved. 

Places for People

Update received.  See update in Chronicle this week for more info.

Wharf Project

Update report received.  Please visit RCB website for further information.

Good turnout for the Wastewater Consent Renewal Meeting last week

Great to see so many community members attending the Wastewater Consent Renewal meeting at the Old School Arts Centre.  The Wastewater Team did a good job of presenting an update to the community and answering the many questions that came forward.  It showed the large body of work that has been done over the last few years, the complexity and the commitment from the team to find a solution that is in line with hapu and community needs.  

For information on these projects and other Community Board work please visit:

Facebook: Raglan Community Board

Website:  www.raglancommunityboard.co.nz

You are welcome to contact Community Board members direct.  All our contact details are found on our website.  

Gabrielle Parson, Chair – 021 844 785

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