Hear from our amazing guest speakers who will share their experience of how they are contributing to creating a thriving circular economy in your local area and Aotearoa.
Bruno & Matt – Workshop Brewing Co. (Raglan)
Tania – GoEco (Hamilton)
Jess – Dreamview Creamery (Raglan)
Owen – Convex Innovative Packaging ( Hamilton)
Closing The Loop events not only educate you on how you can contribute to creating a circular in Aotearoa but also provides the space for local practitioners, stakeholders and the public to network. We are building relationships between all parts of the supply, consumer and recovery chain. Join us to learn, share and connect with others on this journey.
The circular economy is an alternative to throw-away thinking and our ‘make-use-dispose’ economic model. In a circular economy waste has been designed out of the system, no excess is produced and all resources are recovered. A circular economy is restorative and regenerative by design and recognises the intrinsic value of all living things and the ecosystems that sustain life. It creates strong, resilient and equitable communities where people have what they need to live happy and fulfilling lives.
If you are interested in speaking at this event or for more information reach out to Isy at isy@zerowaste.co.nz
Closing the Loop: Raglan Event Details