Billy TK to address post-lockdown wrap

June 25, 2020

Does life seem a bit strange after lockdown? Does nothing seem quite the same?

The Raglan community, along with many others across the world, has emerged from lockdown into a different world: we have new words in our everyday language like “social distancing” and “self-quarantine”; we have new practices such as wearing masks, keeping away from others and filling out contact forms in places we go. We have new rules and controls over how we live our daily lives.

These changes have prompted a group of locals, Voice for Choice, to organize a post-lockdown community event this Saturday in Raglan to look at our new world and how unsettling the whole covid-19 problem has been for the people of New Zealand.

Well-known musician and recently turned politician Billy Te Kahika (Billy TK), who has just set up the NZ Public Party, will talk about democracy, environmental and health issues, along with Sue Grey from the NZ Outdoors Party and other guest speakers.

Soup and music will also be provided. No charge but koha welcomed.

Saturday, June 27, 4-8pm (or any time in-between), Raglan Town Hall Supper Room. All welcome.

Rachel Benn

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