Synchronicity: Queens Birthday Special from the Past

May 28, 2020

I read with interest the article in a recent Chronicle about Patsy Zohs.  Patsy lived in Raglan for some years before relocating to a retirement village in Hamilton. 

The Chronicle article told us that Patsy had recently died, and it reminded me of the first time I met Patsy.

In the early 2000s, long before there were regular movie screenings at the Old School, a movie weekend was arranged at Queen’s birthday weekend one year, held on the building in Bow St that is now the gym.

Several movies were screened over the long weekend, and seating was strictly BYO.

A variety of camp chairs, bean bags, and cushions arrived with the moviegoers.

One afternoon, as we were waiting for a movie to start, I began chatting to the woman sitting next to me.

This turned out to be Patsy, both of us were recent arrivals in Raglan and we both commented on the many things there are to do in Raglan.  I expressed surprise that there was no drama group, and soon we were comparing our experiences in amateur dramatics.

I mentioned that I had been involved in several plays when I lived in Feilding, where there was a thriving drama group.  Patsy’s ears pricked up, when was I in Feilding? She had also been involved with this group.

We soon worked out that in 1960 we had both been members of the Feilding Community Players; she had just arrived in the area, I was soon to leave.  Although we never appeared in the same play together, we attended the same play readings, concerts, and social gatherings many times.

Looking back over 60 years now, it amazes me that pure chance brought us together again.  I was a member of the Raglan Writers’ Group for some years, and still have an assortment of my efforts at writing on my computer.

With a background in journalism, Patsy encouraged many of us to persevere with our writing and editing.  I know Patsy was keen to continue with a Writing Group when she moved to Hamilton.  Farewell, Patsy, you are sorely missed.

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