The Raglan Community House is open after the Christmas Holiday, and the Opportunity Shop (originally the Bargain Basement) is now up and running in its new location on the street level.
Six Basic Cooking Classes start on Tuesday 23 January by Colin Chung. Tuesday and Thursday evenings 6pm-9pm. Contact the Raglan Community House for Details( 825 8142).
The Community Trust Van is now available for health related appointments. Please ring 825 8142 the week before to organise a time. Thank you to the Lions who took several elderly people over to Hamilton during the Summer break.
The Senior Technology had its first meeting of the year on Thursday, and we worked on the 2018 Senior Directory, which has been updated with details of established groups as well the recently formed Saturday Group and the Sunday Crop Swap. The directory also contains a list of voluntary groups which care for the community and the environment .
Raglan Naturally is one of the volunteer groups added to the list. Raglan Naturally was established in 2001 as a shared vision and guide for Raglan’s future. It deals with topics like families, community health, culture, education, economy, environment, infrastructure, etc.
Those who shared the original concept have seen great progress in the way we care for our beautiful town and surrounding district. However, there is still room for improvement and more awareness of what is needed in the future. Over the next 12 months the plan is being reviewed and updated with an opportunity for everyone to get involved and share their ideas and dreams.
All members of the community are important, especially when it comes to those that are more vulnerable. An ageing population will challenge New Zealand’s ability to grow economically and it is important to plan for the future so that we are all looked after in our old age.
Many older people with disabilities will increase over the coming years, and social isolation and elder abuse are likely to continue to be major issues.
Material hardship for some elderly people is expected to rise, and in the coming decades we will rely more heavily on seniors to care for less-abled family members in their own homes.
Many of the groups established last century were started and run by 50 and 60 year olds. Today they are managed by volunteers in their 70s and 80s who don’t always have the technical knowledge to cope with social media such as the internet and facebook. The Raglan House has many support services including Senior Technology. Regular articles in the Chronicle have been invaluable in keeping senior citizens informed as to what is happening in their community.
Raglan Senior Directory 2018 is available free from the Raglan House informing the elderly about clubs and services.
Pauline Abrahams