Raglan Football Club update: spotlight on the Bullsharks

July 17, 2024

This week we caught up with the Bullsharks (11th Grade) at the warm up before a home game at Papahua Reserve. The Bullsharks were keen to tell us that they have had a great first half of the season, especially that game where they tucked away ten goals! 

We caught up with Coach Nathan Aish:

Q: What are some of the highlights of the football season so far?

Nathan: Highlights include watching the boys develop and working cohesively as a team, and understanding the power of teamwork. 

It’s been great watching them develop and seeing the importance of having team culture in 11th Grade football. It’s a big step up this year, they are on a much bigger field – almost over double the size – they are learning the power of good positioning and not bunching-up.

Q: What else is news from Team Bullsharks?

Nathan: We have a Bullsharks team chant. Before each game we chant our team chant.

Q: Have you been coaching this team for a while?

Nathan: This is my fourth or fifth year coaching so I’ve seen the huge development of them growing into young men. We have had four new people come to the team and they have all taken to the team culture seamlessly. My journey as a coach has been great, to get on board and do it. It’s been so positive, and to give these boys a positive outlet is so rewarding. I encourage anyone to get on board if they are thinking about it. 

Thanks Nathan and well done Bullsharks for what has clearly been a brilliant start to the season. Here are some lyrics from the beginning of the Bullsharks team chant; what a super-cool idea!

“We play hard for the team that’s our theme, here we go the green machine, we come from the west, giving our best, united are we, and we shout, BULLSHARKS!” 

by Katie Lowes Photo credits Melanie Vink  – @nichecreativehaus

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