Coastcare Waikato 2024 planting season

July 17, 2024

Planting season has begun, with about 75,000 native plants already ordered for Waikato coastlines.

On the west coast, groups will be working to put 6300 plants in the ground at Raglan, Port Waikato, and Nukuhakari. This year, planting has been scaled back while the West Coast Coastcare Co-ordinator works with Coastcare groups to develop long-term restoration plans for our west coast sites. The plans are a way of giving the communities a voice and letting them make calls about what work gets done.

Coastcare Waikato is always welcoming volunteers to help with our mahi. Please get in touch with your local Coastcare Coordinator or group if you are interested in attending planting bees or helping with pest plant and animal management. The contact details for all Coastcare locations are available on the Coastcare Waikato story map at

from Waikato Regional Council

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